The Adventurists teams

The Three Un-Wise Men

Poles of Inconvenience: Europe Edition 2024

We are The Three Unwise Men. Our team is made up of two Suffolk boys and a Spaniard hoping to give our rusty, written-off Ford Fiesta the adventure of a lifetime. It is quite difficult to pin down what the Suffolk boys add to the team, apart from a driver's licence and a keen sense of enthusiasm. This idea was, of course, originally devised in the pub. Surprisingly, at the same time we had the more practical idea of phoning Estanis, a mechanical engineering student, who certainly adds more car knowledge than Jake and Nat combined.

The team members

Estanislao de la Quadra-Salcedo

Estanislao de la Quadra-Salcedo

Nathaniel Swift

Nathaniel Swift

Jake Darke Christopher

Jake Darke Christopher